Power to the Parents

Union Square Play is the love child of an educational psychologist, a hospitality expert, and the former director of operations for Thomas Keller.
We are three parents who were raising our babies, pursuing our dreams, and just trying to keep.it.together when our paths crossed at the perfect time. We all felt the need for a flexible play space that put children and parents first. The stars and our visions aligned, and Union Square Play was born.
Much like parenthood, we’re learning as we grow—each one of us leveraging our unique background to create a thriving community.
Jennie Monness
Partner & Chief Mom-in-Charge
Mom to Tess (b. 2017)
Favorite Children’s Book: I’ll always love you by Hans Wilhelm
Most Humbling Parental Moment: Tess had to go to the NICU for the first 48 hours after she was born. After working with babies for over 10 years, I knew I would be an expert when I finally got to care for her myself. Right? Wrong. My most humbling moment was bringing her back to the nursery at the hospital once she got out of the NICU because I didn’t know what to do to calm her down. I looked at them and said, “I thought I was the baby whisperer…” They said, “Some babies are just tough.”
Parenting Advice in 3 Words or Less: Be authentic.
Sandra Di Capua
Mom to Liana (b. 2018)
Favorite Children’s Book: Where’s the Baby? by Cheryl Christian. We have it in Spanish (it comes in a few other languages too) and has a very 80s feel to it. There are actual photos in it and flaps that open to reveal the babies. Very engaging book that never gets old. (Also Where’s the Puppy? and Where’s the Kitten?)
Most Humbling Parental Moment: On an airplane flying by myself with Liana, she pooped through her diaper, up her back, and through her clothes. Maneuvering her on the changing table, attempting to rinse her in that tiny airplane sink, and running through my entire container of wipes—humbling to say the least. But also made me feel like a supermom. Especially because I had remembered to pack another change of clothes.
Parenting Advice in 3 Words or Less: Trust them (& yourself).
Anthony Rudolf
Dad to Gaia (b. 2016) and Rudy (b. 2017)
Favorite Children’s Book: Anything with Spot. I loved all his books.
Most Humbling Parental Moment: The moment I truly understood the responsibility of being a parent was when my daughter Gaia had her full body cast removed (hip dysplasia and all good now!) and needed a bath. It would be her first one in 3 months and she was absolutely terrified to get in the water. She loved them before and now she was completely terrified and her skin was so sensitive. I knew I needed to make her feel safe so I took off my clothes, jumped in, and brought her in with me. She immediately shifted energy and followed my lead. While she's back to loving baths, she is still skeptical about water on her face.
Parenting Advice in 3 Words or Less: Just hug them.

The Organic Way to Play

Babies are naturally curious and inventive. We believe a child’s joy and growth come from being engaged rather than entertained. That’s why all our classes and open-play hours are centered around sparking wonder often through repurposed objects and free expression.
You won’t find jungle gyms or princess/superhero-themed rooms at Union Square Play. Instead, we’ve designed a clean, cozy space filled with items that encourage children to imagine their own world and be who they are.
Mo´Mommies, Mo´Love
Our programming and approach to raising children are led by our partner, Jennie Monness. Jennie studied Psychology in Education and received her Master’s Degree from Teachers College, Columbia University. She started her career as an early childhood teacher for two and three-year-olds and then became an Educational Director of a preschool for approximately 8 years before becoming the Center Director of Explore + Discover Early Learning Center.
The RIE® Educaring philosophy inspires much of Jennie’s work and approach to parenting:
Start with Respect
From day one—even when your newborn can seem more like a peanut than a person—a child should be treated as a unique human being, not an object.
Strive for Authenticity
The way we look at and listen to our children has a major influence on the way they see life. By being genuinely engaged, we help children feel secure, competent, and independent.
Trust Your Baby
Allow babies to initiate, explore, and discover with minimal assistance, so that they can fully celebrate their wins.
Observe, Observe, Observe
Babies learn amazingly fast during their first two or three years. By simply watching your little genius, you’ll resist the urge to teach and instead provide an environment for learning.
Allow for Open Play
Set aside plenty of time for uninterrupted play and freedom for babies to do their own thing.
Create a Safe Space
The more consistent, predictable, and safe an environment is, the easier it is for babies to move and learn.
Encourage Participation
Slowing down while changing diapers, feeding, bathing, or dressing creates the freedom for your child to be an active participant instead of a passive recipient. (And participants make for better explorers.)