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67 E 11th Street, NYC

Rayuela Avanzada: Spanish Immersion - 4 years - K

January - May Semester

Regular price $450.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $450.00 USD

In this advanced immersive Spanish class, we focus on calendar vocabulary (e.g. seasons, days of the week, and months) and explore colors, parts of the body, family and more.

In this older age group, children learn through play, using games like charades to study the structure of verbs. Children are encouraged to take turns asking and answering questions to solidify their retention.

Teacher: Indiana

Start & End Dates

January 18 - May 30

Blackout/Vacation Dates

February 22; March 21; April 25

Combined Winter / Spring semester is 17 weeks. Pay for 15 weeks and get two as a bonus, or choose two vacation dates that work for you.

Cancellation Policy

Combined Winter / Spring semester is 17 weeks. Pay for 15 weeks and get two as a bonus, or choose two vacation dates that work for you.

January - May Semester
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