Upper East Side Spring Groups

Bring your lunch, bring your baby, or not! We hope you'll come hang, make a few friends, and gain some parenting tips and tricks along the way.

  • Jennie Monness

    Jennie Monness began her career in early childhood 12 years ago after receiving her Master's from Teachers college, Columbia University. About two years ago, Jennie decided to take decades of knowledge in early childhood education and share her learnings with new parents to educate and empower them through her blog Mo' Mommies. She teaches classes, speaks at events, and uses social media to provide timely information about her parenting and toy recommendations that new parents deeply need and desire. Her aim has been for moms to connect, support and empower one another. She has co-founded Union Square Play to bring these ideas to life through developmental, sensory, music, and creative classes and thoughtful, open play space. Her methods center around open-ended play materials and objects so babies can be engaged rather than entertained, creating their own "curriculum" and learning in the most natural, innate way. 

    Follow Jennie on Instagram