What's Up in the 'Hood

Read on to find out local happenings, what's new at USP, and a few tip and tricks for your at-home play!
Meet our Educators Series
Who. Dr. Christina Cohen
What. RIE for babies and toddlers
Why. Once you’ve given your readers useful information in a meaningful setting, they may be interested in actually plunking down their credit card. Unfortunately, here’s where many business blogs stop. Blog editors, familiar with their company’s e-commerce site and how to find specific products, can assume readers innately know how to find the product or have the motivation to track it down. Don’t get me wrong. Some very small percentage of prospects will to go extreme efforts to find the product. Unfortunately, the rest will just leave or worse go to your competitor.

'Hood Happenings
Think of this as your community bulletin board.
BetterEd NYC: Our services are tailored to specific family's needs, but generally speaking we help families understand the educational landscape of NYC, their school options, and factors to consider given their particular child and values.

TubZi Time. Our product is called TUBzi, and it has some amazing safety features that help give parents some peace of mind during bath time, which for some is not always easy, while keeping your kids engaged and ready for a fun bath experience!
Check out our newest classes